www.DruglessDoctor.com – Dr. Bob’s Daily Tips for Optimal Living

It’s more than the ‘Luck O The Irish’

 DB here! Being healthy is about more than luck…I was reading a book the other day that I wanted to share a thought or two with you. This was very profound; people who are not aware or uninformed of a process or principle never receive the benefit of what they could have had. Let me put it to you like this, there are many people who suffer every day, year in and year out who may have for example like in my practice suffer from a mal positioned vertebra in there neck that could be causing their chronic headaches. I have seen chronic sinuses; constipation, stomach and menstrual issues improve with natural care.


OK, so what does that mean for you today? You know, I have talked about Vitamin D the last couple of weeks. I just had a patient who came in today that had a Vitamin D level of 6, low normal is 32. That was the lowest I saw ever; up to this point!! She could have high blood pressure, MS, cancer, joint pain, diabetes and a list of other challenges because of the lack of D. Eat your egg yolks, get in the sun and take some D. YOU NEED TO BE AWARE!!!

If you are reading this and do not know your Vitamin D level, or do not know the level of estrogen in your body, or how your thyroid is functioning then your health is at risk. YOU COULD EVENTUALLY GET CANCER!!!!! All of this is PREVENTABLE!!!!

I could go on with all types of possibilities, to many to number. I know since you have been reading the blog you have learned a lot. I would encourage you to go and watch some of my videos; you can print the outlines and get nuggets that will change your life. It is about learning. I just read in the Wall Street journal that there are many companies that are going to stop using milk with all the additives. I would encourage you if you do drink milk, or eat yogurt and ice cream, which does cause pain by the way; only use ORGANIC. I just had a fifth grader that came in who was so stiff he moved like he was 40 — he has passion for dairy products. DB