www.DruglessDoctor.com – Dr. Bob’s Daily Tips for Optimal Living

Your Skin is Your Body’s Cancer Chance Report Card…


DB here! I would be concerned if I had a history of acne or any skin lesion. Your skin is the report card for how efficient and effective your body is processing all the toxins it is exposed to. Do you have a strategy to clean your body from the inside out? Do you think wearing a pink ribbon on your lapel is going to keep cancer from ruthlessly attacking your body? Has the American Cancer Society given you a logical plan to follow to prevent cancer? Do you think early detection is working? It surely isn’t preventing the problem.

Do you eat conventional meat? Do you drink tap water? Are your breasts tender with your menses? Do you have a heavy menses? Do you eat sugar? Do you want to learn more about preventing CANCER without medications? Many women are choosing to have healthy breasts removed because your mom had cancer!  Do you have a PLAN?

Join me May 30th for an in-depth workshop on Cancer PREVENTION.  Loated near Cleveland OHIO. Fly to CLE, stay at the one of two dozen hotels. Spend the weekend at Cedar Point or one of the Lake Erie Islands. Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or one of the Several Museums while you’re here.  Go to the West Side Market in the afternoon. Make a day of it. Go to www.druglessdoctor.com for more details. We only have room for 40 attendees total and slots are filling up fast!  See you there! DB

Household Cleaners Coming Clean…

 DB here! I was reading the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and learned a few nuggets I wanted to pass on. (The WSJ is loaded with information that is very useful.) The whole economy is fueled by research and development of products. What is very interesting about today’s world is the fact the public is very astute, and manufacturers need to listen to the consumer because the manufacturers know they can take a huge hit in a matter of days caused by chatter on the internet and lose creditability.


The title of the article I read was “Household Products Come Clean”, what’s going on out there is the world of cleaning is high potency; lethal chemicals that can create harm and alter body physiology. I won’t make this a chemistry lesson, I will give you two chemicals to look for, and then send me a note if you find them in your products.


  • Monoethanolamine, this is found in detergents and all purpose cleaners. It is used in various products such as Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Antibacterial Cleaner made by Procter and Gamble, and Clorox’s Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner. Studied have linked this chemical to occupational asthma. The article goes on to say the manufacturers say it is safe…yadda…yadda…yadda…. The real challenge is if you have a child with asthma.
  • Glycol ethers which have been linked to low fertility rates and low weight birth rates in laboratory animals.

I suggest you go to the American Cancer Society’s web site and look at environmental toxins. I encourage you to become more pro-active, and be AWARE of what you are using in your house especially if you have small children or you notice people have “runny noses” and just don’t feel good when you change a product.  I would suggest you may want to forward this blog on.

DBWatch my video on food additives.

Video:  http://www.druglessdoctor.com/tabid/1023/Default.aspx

It’s more than the ‘Luck O The Irish’

 DB here! Being healthy is about more than luck…I was reading a book the other day that I wanted to share a thought or two with you. This was very profound; people who are not aware or uninformed of a process or principle never receive the benefit of what they could have had. Let me put it to you like this, there are many people who suffer every day, year in and year out who may have for example like in my practice suffer from a mal positioned vertebra in there neck that could be causing their chronic headaches. I have seen chronic sinuses; constipation, stomach and menstrual issues improve with natural care.


OK, so what does that mean for you today? You know, I have talked about Vitamin D the last couple of weeks. I just had a patient who came in today that had a Vitamin D level of 6, low normal is 32. That was the lowest I saw ever; up to this point!! She could have high blood pressure, MS, cancer, joint pain, diabetes and a list of other challenges because of the lack of D. Eat your egg yolks, get in the sun and take some D. YOU NEED TO BE AWARE!!!

If you are reading this and do not know your Vitamin D level, or do not know the level of estrogen in your body, or how your thyroid is functioning then your health is at risk. YOU COULD EVENTUALLY GET CANCER!!!!! All of this is PREVENTABLE!!!!

I could go on with all types of possibilities, to many to number. I know since you have been reading the blog you have learned a lot. I would encourage you to go and watch some of my videos; you can print the outlines and get nuggets that will change your life. It is about learning. I just read in the Wall Street journal that there are many companies that are going to stop using milk with all the additives. I would encourage you if you do drink milk, or eat yogurt and ice cream, which does cause pain by the way; only use ORGANIC. I just had a fifth grader that came in who was so stiff he moved like he was 40 — he has passion for dairy products. DB

You skin is your body’s report card, what’s your grade?

DB here! I receive constant emails from my BLOGGERS out there where everyone is from. I also receive comments on my You Tube videos. This person was having skin challenges. I thought you would like to see what she said.

“Thank you Dr. Bob. I started reading your books about 3 months ago after a terrible acne breakout which followed my discontinuing use of hormonal birth control. Your advice has been very instrumental in helping me to get my body back in balance. I’m glad to have found you on You Tube as well!” Jaypink.

You can check out the video and the comment your self at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDnyMLEGm8

 Now, I can tell you, your skin is a report card of what is going on the inside of your body. You can not put enough, creams, lotions and drugs in an on your body, that will improve your skin if you are not eating right, or drinking enough water. Now, I can tell you this, your body needs zinc for healthy skin. Skin is depleted with wheat and soy; If you have a history of scars and adhesions, that means to much copper and not enough zinc. We have a Skin and Nail herb product that works like magic, and so does Yellow Dock.

Link here to find out more; http://druglessdoctor.com/tabid/239/Default.aspx

I also would suggest you go to my site, and watch the videos I have on skin. The reason this is important is because if your skin is irritated, that means your detoxifying organs can be sluggish and stagnate and you may end up with a chronic poor health condition like; cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis. I would take all of this very serious. There is not a week that goes by that I do not have someone that comes into the office with a history of cancer and body parts removed that think about changing what they do as an after thought. I would suggest you fill out a health survey on my site. Most of the people we consult with have liver gall bladder issues. Get my book on Detoxification. It all comes down to clean machines work better. DB

PS: By the way we have FOUR of our book in a PDF format. They can be sent to you without paying any shipping fees……..Great opportunity….. http://www.druglessdoctor.com/ProductsServices/BooksPublications/tabid/932/Default.aspx

The truth revealed, should you or shouldn’t you drink the “hottest” berry on the market?

DB here! I am asked nearly every day about one of the new “berry drinks” that are coming out in the market place. There have been some very famous and influential super stars, celebrities and health care providers strongly encouraging the use of these products. I am not going to discourage any one of you from taking any of these items especially if they are helping you get over a health challenge.

I was reviewing material and reading some articles on the various products and have arrived at the following conclusion; unhealthy, nutritionally starving and toxic bodies will respond to a quality product liquid or solid that assists in restoration and detoxification. I had conversation with a “detail person” from one company about this subject, and asked her why they were observing great results with some individuals and not with others. She said, healthy people get the smallest response and unhealthy people are literally have systems that are turned on. It is like putting the right fuel in a jet plane or high performance engine. This is a thought for you. I know these products sometimes cost a lot of money, I also am aware that there is a profit to be made making these items available. Can I make a suggestion, why not purchase quality, fresh organic veggies and eat them either raw, steamed or sautéed? You can juice them yourself. The reason I am bringing that up, is organic food will create the least amount of stress to your ‘cleansing organs’, the quality of the product will provide the nutrients you need, chewing the food will alleviate the desire to eat nutritionally deficient processed products, and you will have the potential to have better bowel movements, more energy and a host of other positive results including losing weight.

I suggest you watch the videos we have on our site; cooking beets, squash and soup. Deb also has a lot of really good nuggets of information on foods to eat. I would encourage you to spend a few minutes. I know you will help prevent your own system from becoming an environment for cancer and other chronic disease conditions. Pass this on. DB

To watch any of the videos mentioned on Cooking with the DeMaria’s…….  CLICK HERE

More women are removing healthy breasts than ever

DB here!! One of the goals and passions in my life is to help people get the truth about health. I just read in the USA Today yesterday that women are opting to get their healthy breast taken off, when they have a tumor in the other one. The rate of increase for this type of surgery has risen from 4.2% in 1998 and 11% in 2003. They did not have current information as you can see there is six years since the last update, I am sure it is even higher now. In the article they said 25 of 542 women opted to have their breast taken off in the Hunt’s Study. There are three criteria for women to have their breast taken off. ONE: if a woman had more than one tumor in the original breast. TWO: If her original tumor started in the milk producing lobes but spread around like seeds around the breast instead of forming one solid lump. THREE: If she had a high risk according to a scale called the “Gail model”, which is the age of the patient when she had her first child and the family history of breast cancer. Now, I recognize this is a very personal situation, but I do want you to know from my experience, we have helped a lot of women who stabilized once they were told they had breast cancer by: supporting and cleansing the liver slowly, making sure there is enough iodine, eliminate sugar and toxic exposure to foods and environmental toxins.

I know sometimes this seems a little much, but what has happened in our society, is like the frog in the pot story. A frog will jump out of a hot boiling pot, but you can put it in warm water and slowly turn the heat up until it boils. We are living in the boiling point now in our society, and you/me/public are in the pot. The conventional medical thinkers for some reason do not tell or give their patients a strategy about what to and not to do. I can say that confidently because that is the norm. Patients are often given meds and told to go home. I would encourage you to go to a few areas and look relating to this blog. Watch the hormone, iodine and detoxification videos on m site. I would purchase “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”, read it, hi-lite it, and then read it again, then set up your strategy by following the Page Diet, and eating your apples, beets and carrots (ABC’s). My Detox book will be out soon, you need to get it, and follow the directions. The last thing you want to do is email me and ask for help because you have been told you have cancer. DB

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – MUST READ!

DBhere! Great Sunday to all of you, hard to believe how fast January is going. Christmas was a month ago all ready. Boy, time is zipping by. We were evaluating the topics that the public seems to be interested in via our constant aspiration to help people; two or three items appear to create the most desire, infertility and poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I want to focus on PCOS today, and will discuss it more in the future. I have found with experience that any age female can have ovarian cysts, teens to late forties. I believe that there are two main factors, lack of iodine and excessive estrogen. Let’s talk about lack of iodine. Iodine deficiencies are very common. All ages can have it, a common body signal for children would include fevers and growing pains. This is really important because a lot of kids are treated as hypochondriacs because parents think they complain always, this is REAL. If you have a child that is always complaining of pain, you would want to fill out a Maestro and tell us in the note you are interested in iodine. Now if a child had growing pains, and this child is now a teen, and if the child’s gender is female, and she is complaining of abdomen pain mid menstrual cycle of during the menstrual flow, it could be a sign of a need for iodine. Now, do not think all ovary pain is an iodine issue, but, it is common. Other body signals of low iodine would include cold hands and feet, tired, high cholesterol and constipation. Go to the drugless media aspect of the www.DruglessDoctor.com, and watch the videos on iodine. Here is an important key, you need to take iodine slow, we encourage one three mg tablet a day for one week, then two tabs for a week, then three, then four. When you get to four, we have our patients take one Iodoral a day for a week, then one Iodoral with one Prolamine Iodine from Standard Process. If you are toxic with bromine, fluorine or chlorine, and take iodine to fast you could have a skin rash, heavy metal taster in your mouth and even a skin rash. How do you know if you a are low in iodine? You could have a urine iodine test done, that will help, and we have that information on our site. You may want a thyroid profile. The medical community does not have a problem removing cysts on ovaries and even taking ovaries out. I can tell you from my experience we have had tremendous success with feeding the body right, normalizing the estrogen and progesterone levels and have the cysts disappear on their own. More next time. DB 

PS: I had someone tell me on Friday, that another body signal of low iodine is wide spaced teeth. She was so excited because her teeth were getting closer. This is an important BLOG, and could help some one a lot. PASS IT ON.


What’s More Important to You?

DB here!! I had an interesting day with several of my senior patients taking statins; for whatever reason their physicians must not realize that seniors need cholesterol and it is an integral part of brain function. One gentleman was having large brown patches grow on his body since taking a statin. Do you know those type of meds have the potential to create liver DISEASE? His cholesterol was only 230 when prescribed the meds,  he does not smoke or drink alcohol, he is not over weight. His likely-hood of having a heart attack is slim seeing he is all ready 83 years old. So that is the first one, the second patient started to have kidney blood tests findings with her drugs. Her MD, when questioned, said lowering cholesterol was more important than preventing kidney disease. (!!!) I told both of them to get new MD’s. Do you have senior parents? If you do, be aware of the meds they are being put on by physicians using fear tactics. You need to take control over your own health. The MD’s are only doing what the pharmaceuticals are telling them to do. Get my book on Trans Fat, and see how you can lower your cholesterol without the BAD EFFECTS of DRUGS. DB

Click here to see Dr. Bob’s Drugless Trans Fat Survival Guide

Comment from a colleague on a social network I’m on: LinkedIn

Dr. Bob, I have noticed that when I went to a whole foods, no processed food approach to eating that my cravings almost completely disappeared for sugar and satisfied completely with small amounts of fruit such as a 1/2 apple or some berries. I have to testify that Chlorophyll does make a difference in digestion; I use it regularly for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Since getting off of sugar I have almost no headaches, the ringing in my ears stopped and I can focus on my work so much easier. Oh yeah. I have a LOT more energy.

Cutting out the processed food relieved a lot of stress on my body as well! I want to encourage everyone under stress to get the Adrenal Stress Saliva test done. It is inexpensive and can reveal many underlying and easily correctible conditions.

I enjoy all of your articles Dr. Bob and actually listen and DO what you suggest!
Dr. Debbie McFarland

Thanks Dr. McFarland!

How neglecting your liver can cause heart distress –

DB here!! Do you know that your liver has a huge impact on how your heart functions?  Here is how, and I have seen it a lot.  I have a piece of equipment on my office that is an electronic stethoscope that listens to heart sounds which are vibrations and transfers them to a mechanical energy, that shows up on stylus moving on graph paper.  Just like an EKG.  The difference is the ACG or acoustic heart graphic is the sound caused by the valves closing.  What is fascinating  is the fact the sound can be effected by the flow of blood going in to the heart, and the muscle creating the movement of the valve.  You see there are so many factors, I would suggest you watch my video on heart health.  If you think you need some help, make a consultation appointment or fill out the Maestro Symptom Survey form. (CLICK HERE) Any way, when the liver is congested it impedes the flow of blood into the heart.  I see it on the graph as an extra hump, which is created physiologically by the slowing of the valve, because the blood is coming in slowly. Do you have a big belly?  If you are a man, and have a waist over 40 inches, that is not good, if you are a female and have a waist over thirty five inches, you need to give me a call.  The liver is very important for your heart health. If you would like, I do have many travel from the US and world to see us.  It would great meeting you.  Go to my “Our Patients Speaks” link and watch some of the testimonies.  (CLICK HERE) By the way, Dandelion root, Milk Thistle and Yellow Dock are good for the liver.    (CLICK HERE TO SEE PRODUCT) Eat your beets, avoid sugar and alcohol. WATCH MY BEET VIDEO…..and we have beet recipes. Tell a friend…… DB

Not everyone can get life insurance…

Do you have life insurance? The reason I am asking is because I have had some young patients come into the office recently who are/were not able to get life insurance for several reasons. This is very serious, especially if you have children. Have you noticed how many people in their late thirties and forties have an obituary? I just helped a young man get off his cholesterol and blood pressure medication. He was only thirty four years old. He had chronic headaches and sinus challenges also. He was going to pay a higher amount if we did not get everything down w/o the meds. It only took three months. I know it sounds simple but you can lower your cholesterol with one third cup of grated beets a day. Avoid sugar and trans fat. I have spoken to many who were not able to pass blood sugar tests either. Walking and losing weight is a good place to start. By the way, I would suggest you watch my newly uploaded video from my TV program in Northern Ohio on Stress. I know you will find it fascinating. If you are stressed check out the Licorice root on the products page at www.DruglessDoctor.com. Five drops a day is a good start. DB

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