www.DruglessDoctor.com – Dr. Bob’s Daily Tips for Optimal Living

We all know someone who “can’t get pregnant”, don’t we?

 DB here! Infertility is a huge issue today. Some may think couples are waiting to long, others do not know why. From my observation I can tell you from my point there are several reasons for infertility.


  1. Low thyroid
  2. Lack of adequate progesterone
  3. Sugar consumption
  4. Stress


The thyroid gland acts much like the gas pedal of the body. When the thyroid is not up to par, there will be constipation and congestion in the liver. The thyroid requires iodine. Iodine is not only used by the thyroid but the ovaries. Here is a real stealth issue most are not aware of; bromine, fluorine and chlorine sabotage iodine.  (Found in municipal water, white bread, soda…) 

That is why we complete urine iodine tests on females attempting to get pregnant. Now, someone may become pregnant, then the real issue, how long can they stay with child. The fetus needs enough progesterone to stay in tact. The challenge with sugar and stress, they deplete the adrenal gland. Many think the adrenal gland is insignificant, but every bit of hormone helps. That is also a reason we do the Adrenal Stress Index and Female Hormone Panels. Can I let you in a little known secret; wheat product or items with gluten can create adrenal stress. What does that mean Dr. Bob? Your pastries, cookies, bagels, Kaiser rolls, hamburger buns, Danish etc. can be a possible cause why you may have adrenal exhaustion and not be able to get pregnant or stay with child. One last item, I have noticed patients with progesterone issues have a greater chance to get chronic degenerative conditions like MS or rheumatoid arthritis. All of this is help-able and preventable. I would encourage you to tell your family or friends, also read my Hormone book, and even complete a Maestro. I have seen a tremendous response by making a few easy changes. DB


Tips for Tuesday

Dr. Bob here with another Healthy Living E-Tip for You!


I am always taken back when I visit places and there are seniors around who have not taken care of themselves the first sixty-five years of their lives.  Commonly they walk slow and stiff.  I had conversation with many of them today; do you know what the #1 item they ask me about is?  How do I get off my cholesterol lowering drugs?  When I give them the “cholesterol is not good or bad story” including the rendition of a fire truck taking the cholesterol to the fire as I explain in detail in my Trans Fat book, they look at me with a smile of HOPE on their faces. 


I cordially instruct them how to eat and make Dr. Bob’s ABC’s – which by the way, check out the awesome New Link we just added to our web site!  The two, most positive nuggets you can tell everyone is that Apples have the potential to lower your cholesterol 13% and Beets 40%. That is huge!  Statin drugs have very bad effects.  Do not be fooled by the pharmaceutical companies.  I was talking to one gentleman today that had huge brown and red discoloration on his lower legs and varicose veins.  He takes statins and, of course, a baby aspirin daily.  He gave me the “only in moderation excuse” as he was wiping away the powder sugar from the donut he just ate.  I did tell him that I called them “torpedoes of death”.  Needless to say, most only listen when it is near death. 


Remember to take advantage of my soon to be released Detox Book Special and you will receive a signed copy.  Read my blogs daily; I have been talking about some interesting nuggets.  And by the way, my hand has healed great from the spider bite I some how managed to get a week ago.  Thank you for all the prayers!


I know many of you read each one of these tips thoroughly and I thank you for that!  Remember to send them on to your friends and families and encourage them to sign-up to receive their own weekly Tips.  They could be the winner of a FREE Maestro just for signing up.  Click Here for details!


We have recently added a Search Box to the website.  Go to www.DruglessDoctor.com and check it out You’ll be glad you did!


Symptom Survey Maestro


share this information with a friend!





This week’s winner:

Linda (blog response 1/24/09), you have until this Friday (1/30) at noon to contact:  Rachel at 1(888) 922-5672 to receive your passcode for a FREE



Symptom Survey Maestro!

Have you checked out Dr. Bob’s daily blog?

All comments and questions posted in response to Dr. Bob’s advice will be judged and one entry will be selected as “DruglessDoctor’s Comment of the Week”. The entry containing the best or most interesting comment will receive FREE access to our Maestro Symptom Survey.

So go ahead, CLICK HERE to start a conversation on the Blog!  Be sure to watch for your name in next Tuesday’s Health E-Tip.  The winner must reply to drb4health@aol.com by noon on the following Friday in order to receive your FREE log-in instructions for the Maestro Symptom Survey.









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     ! ? ! Where’s Dr. Bob ! ? !
Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Drugless Guide for Sex & Romance
Lecture with Dr. Bob & Debbie DeMaria
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Church on the Rise
Crocker Road
Westlake, Ohio


Drugless Guide for Sex & Romance
Lecture with Dr. Bob & Debbie DeMaria
Friday, February 13, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Barnes & Nobles

Crocker Park
Westlake, Ohio


Drugless Guide to Total Body Detoxification
Lecture with Dr. Bob DeMaria

Thursday, February 19, 2009
 6:30 p.m.
Mustard Seed Market & Cafe
West Market Plaza
3885 W. Market St.
Akron, Ohio 44333

(330) 666-7333 or 1-888-476-2379


Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones
Lecture with Dr. Bob DeMaria

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
6:30 p.m.

Mustard Seed Market & Cafe
Uptown Solon Shopping Center
6025 Kruse Drive
Solon, OH 44139

(440)519-3663 or 1-877-496-3663

Join Dr. Bob every Wednesday at Noon
or Thursdays at
6:00 pm for his FREE
Weekly Workshops to Wellness…..
North Coast Chiropractic
362 E. Bridge Street
Elyria, OH  44035
Dr. Bob and Debbie DeMaria
can be seen every Saturday night at 5:00 p.m. on WGGN.
Check your local listings.
Dr. Bob has a Radio Interview posted at:
Take a few minutes and check it out!

IBS is becomming more common – see what you can do!

DB here!! I get e-mails and calls on Irritable Bowel challenges, fondly called IBS. Do you suffer from loose or explosive stools? There are several possible causes. I have discovered that dairy and wheat based products can be precipitating factors. Stress is also an issue. The reason wheat may be an issue for some of you is because of the number of “fillings” or amalgams you may have in your mouth. The amalgams have mercury as a base. Mercury paralyzes the activity of the parotid gland. The parotid gland is one of the primary tissues required for proper digestion. I have recommended parotid tissue from Standard Process Labs. If you have a challenge with IBS, and have a mouthful of fillings you may want to complete a Maestro Symptom Survey form, so we can create a base of your findings. We then can supplement accordingly. We also suggest Chlorophyll Complex. Chlorophyll Complex has healing properties, and also assists in proper digestion. Dairy can be an issue for many of you. I have seen chronic digestive distress relieved almost lyimmediate by eliminating dairy. I would like to also suggest that your pancreas and/or liver be supported. The pancreas secretes enzymes, and the liver has everything to do with fat metabolism. Once again the Maestro Symptom Survey form would be a great place to start. You can use “cow free”, items. Goat yogurt and ice cream may help some. Try oat, almond and rice milk based products. Nut and grain products can be used as beverages and substitutes for dairy based items. Rice cheese is a great option for dairy based cheeses. Also, try brown rice for bread crumbs instead of wheat products for your chicken meat balls and chicken meat loaf. (Recipes Here) DB

PS You may want to join me on the Detox Tele Workshop.  Click Here to register. Toxicity is a common challenge to iritate bowels!!!