www.DruglessDoctor.com – Dr. Bob’s Daily Tips for Optimal Living

More women are removing healthy breasts than ever

DB here!! One of the goals and passions in my life is to help people get the truth about health. I just read in the USA Today yesterday that women are opting to get their healthy breast taken off, when they have a tumor in the other one. The rate of increase for this type of surgery has risen from 4.2% in 1998 and 11% in 2003. They did not have current information as you can see there is six years since the last update, I am sure it is even higher now. In the article they said 25 of 542 women opted to have their breast taken off in the Hunt’s Study. There are three criteria for women to have their breast taken off. ONE: if a woman had more than one tumor in the original breast. TWO: If her original tumor started in the milk producing lobes but spread around like seeds around the breast instead of forming one solid lump. THREE: If she had a high risk according to a scale called the “Gail model”, which is the age of the patient when she had her first child and the family history of breast cancer. Now, I recognize this is a very personal situation, but I do want you to know from my experience, we have helped a lot of women who stabilized once they were told they had breast cancer by: supporting and cleansing the liver slowly, making sure there is enough iodine, eliminate sugar and toxic exposure to foods and environmental toxins.

I know sometimes this seems a little much, but what has happened in our society, is like the frog in the pot story. A frog will jump out of a hot boiling pot, but you can put it in warm water and slowly turn the heat up until it boils. We are living in the boiling point now in our society, and you/me/public are in the pot. The conventional medical thinkers for some reason do not tell or give their patients a strategy about what to and not to do. I can say that confidently because that is the norm. Patients are often given meds and told to go home. I would encourage you to go to a few areas and look relating to this blog. Watch the hormone, iodine and detoxification videos on m site. I would purchase “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”, read it, hi-lite it, and then read it again, then set up your strategy by following the Page Diet, and eating your apples, beets and carrots (ABC’s). My Detox book will be out soon, you need to get it, and follow the directions. The last thing you want to do is email me and ask for help because you have been told you have cancer. DB