www.DruglessDoctor.com – Dr. Bob’s Daily Tips for Optimal Living

Body Signals – What They Can Tell You

Posted in Uncategorized by druglessdoctor on August 25, 2009
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What exactly is a body signal?  A body signal is anything that your body is physically, emotionally and even mentally presenting to you at the moment.  Familiar body signals include: Skin breakouts, smelly feet, constipation, and headaches.  Having one body signal can be enough to cause anxiety over one’s health, but each of the previously mentioned ailments and many others can be eliminated and avoided all together if we first, eat correctly, and second, pay attention to our own specific body signals.

Two organs in the human body that attribute to inward and outward signals are the liver and the thyroid gland.  The liver’s function is to assist the body in absorbing what is needed for optimal health or for eliminating what is not.  If our liver is “plugged” up from external toxins, consumption of foods with hydrogenated oils, alcohol, cigarettes, and all sugar laden fare, body signals would include tiredness, dizziness, headaches, and a heavy metal taste in your mouth. 

ThyroidThe thyroid gland, located near our throat, has many roles including regulating calcium metabolism.  When our bodies become over-stressed with work, family, and relationships, our thyroid is compromised which results in body signals such as cold hands and feet, depression, and thinning hair.

Now, a popular question in our culture is “What is the magic pill that can cure all body signals”?  Well, there isn’t a magic pill, but one nutritional resource that should be consumed by every person is iodine.  Iodine aids thyroid function which corrects brittle hair, dry skin, and fatigue; however, once you begin ingesting iodine (i.e. Iodoral) we recommend beginning with 6mg a day, or half a tablet.  To get more detailed information on the importance of Iodine read this and watch our Iodine videos which are posted in the media section of www.DruglessDoctor.com.

In addition to adding iodine to your diet, using a castor oil pack once a week is a tremendous way to soothe your liver.  No plant is as astonishing as the castor oil plant. Its bean, when eaten, is poisonous, but the oil from the seed is healing.  According to Dr. David G. Williams, a castor oil pack is an economical and effective way to absorb ricinoleic acid and castor oil’s other healing components into our body. If you have never used a castor oil pack before, the process is quite simple.  To make a castor oil pack you will need the following items:

1. Start by placing the heating pad on a flat surface and turn the setting to high.

2. On top of the pad lay the plastic garbage bag or plastic wrap.

3. Next, soak the flannel pieces with castor oil generally about 1/2 cup) and

4. Lay them on top of the plastic and heating pad.

3. The entire pack can now be placed against the body with the oil-soaked flannel on the skin.

For general conditions the pack should be placed on the abdomen. (For treating lower back problems, the pack can be placed over the affected area.) To help hold the pack in place and to keep oil from getting on bedding, etc., the body can be wrapped in a large bath towel.

  • The pack should remain in place for at least one hour and the temperature of the heating pad should be kept at the highest temperature tolerable to the patient.
  • Do not sleep with the pack on

When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into the skin or cleaned off using soda water made from 1 quart of warm water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

The flannel can be reused, if stored properly, after removing the pack.  To store the saturated flannel, place the flannel in either a plastic bag or a plastic container and keep refrigerated.    Before your next application warm the flannel and add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh cold pressed castor oil.  You can warm the flannel in a low temperature oven for 5-10 minutes, never use a microwave.

Used this method?  Share your testimonies with us at customercare@druglessdoctor.com.

DetoxBkShadowFind even more information on how to keep your body functioning optimally in “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Detoxification”.  This work is an easy read and travel friendly book with a vast amount of knowledge about our body signals and other detox quandaries.



Order castor oil and wool flannel for only $18 by clicking HERE




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